165 Preliminary Report

Laboratory Statistics


Sites: 5

Number of Cores : 453

Number of Samples, Total: 19,281

Number of Core Boxes: 497

Magnetics Lab

Half section measurements : 2126

Discrete measurements: 334

Physical Properties

Index properties: 1855

Velocity : 1838

Resistivity: 451

Therm con: 176

MST: 2702

Shear Strength: 272

Chemistry Lab

Inorganic Carbonates (CACO3): 1795

Water Chemistry (the suite includes pH, Alkalinity, Sulfate, Chlorinity, Silica, Phosphate, Ammonia, Ca, Mg, P, Li, Mn, Fe, Sr, Rb): 175

Head Space gas analysis: 356

Pyrolysis Evaluation, Rock-Eval : 12

X-ray Lab

XRD : 257

XRF: 84 ash/basalt

195 sediment

Thin Sections: 99

Underway Geophysics (est.)

Total Transit Nautical Miles: 3079

Bathymetry: 2565

Magnetics: 2290

XBT's Used: 53

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