General Statistics: | |
Sites | 10 |
Holes | 19 |
Cored Interval (m) | 1867.8 |
Core Recovered (m) | 1519.6 |
Percent Recovered | 81.4 |
Total Penetration (m) | 2810.3 |
Time on Site (days) | 47.85 |
Number of Cores | 209 |
Number of Samples | 10507 |
Whole Rounds | 281 |
Boxes of Core | 237 |
Samples Analyzed: | |
Inorganic Carbon (CaCO3) | 995 |
Total Carbon (NCHS) | 250 |
Water Chemistry (suite of pH, Alkalinity Sulfate, Calcium, Magnesium, Chlorinity Potassium, Silica, Salinity) | 255 |
Pyrolysis Evaluation (Rock Eval and GHM) | 17 |
Gas Samples | 177 |
Extractions | 0 |
Thin Sections | 63 |
XRF: majors | 29 |
XRD | 692 |
MST Runs | 1200 |
Cryogenic magnetometer: | |
Pass-through runs | 1913 |
Basalt (210 ) * 5 levels of demagnetization | 1050 |
Cubes | 35 |
Oriented Cores | 0 |
Physical Properties Velocity | 650 |
Thermal Conductivity | 359 |
Index Properties | 650 |
Resistivity | 1796 |
Shear Strength | 470 |
Under Way Geophysics: | |
Magnetic (nmi) | 670 |
Bathymetry (nmi) | 900 |
Seismic Survey (nmi) | 0 |
Total Miles (nmi) | 1128 |
XBTs launched | 3 |
Downhole Tools: | |
WSTP | 2 |
Adara | 44 |
DVTP | 49 |
Additional: | |
Close-up Photographs | 76 |
Whole-core Photographs | 234 |
Rolls of Microphotographs | 10 |
Color Transparencies | 740 |
Black and White Prints | 30 |