Leg 174B Scientific Report


Figure 1. Location of Holes 395A, 418A, 504B, and 648B. Dashed lines show ages of crust in millions of years, deduced from magnetic anomalies (after Hyndman, Salisbury, et al., 1984).

Figure 2. Location of heat-flow measurements (filled circles), pop-up pore pressure instrument (PUPPI) deployments (open circles), piston cores (inverted triangles), and Hole 395A and Site 1074 in North Pond. Heat-flow values are given in mW/m2 (from Langseth et al., 1992). A-A' marks the location of a seismic line shown in Langseth et al. (1992).

Figure 3. Schematic model of pore-water flow and isotherms (°C) beneath North Pond and surface heat flow, assuming laminar lateral flow rate of ~1 mm/yr (from Langseth et al., 1984).

Figure 4. DVTP temperatures vs. corrected depth in Hole 395A. Also shown are the positions of the thermistors (T1 through T10) deployed in the hole in the CORK experiment.

Figure 5. Composite log of hole parameters, electrical logs, and sonic logs recorded during Leg 174B in Hole 395A. Track 1: spontaneous potential (mV), temperature gradient (oC/m), calipers C1 and C2 from the FMS tool (inches). Track 2: Pad 1 azimuth (P1AZ) of the FMS tool (o), hole azimuth (HAZI [o]), and hole deviation (DEVI [o]). Track 3: spherical focused log (SFLU in ‡ m) and induction log deep (ILD in ‡-m). Track 4: laterolog shallow (LLS) and deep (LLD) in ‡ m. Track 5: travel times for the shear (DTS) and compressional (DTC) waves (µs/ft).

Figure 6. Composite log of the nuclear logs and spectral gamma-ray logs recorded in Hole 395A during Leg 174B. Track 1: photoelectric factor (PEF; barns/e-) and density (RHOB in g/cm3). Track 2: neutron porosity (NPHI in %). Track 3: computed gamma ray (HCGR) and total spectral gamma ray (HSGR) both in gAPI. Track 4: contents of uranium (ppm), thorium (ppm), and potassium (%).

Figure 7. Comparison between ARI recordings, FMS images, the resistivity logs (LLSC and LLDC), the P-wave velocity (DT4P), and the shear wave velocity (DTS) between 462 and 472 mbsf. The 1-m-thick dark interval at 468 mbsf in the ARI image corresponds to a porous zone, and the high-resistivity massive layer near 471 mbsf corresponds to distinct anomalies in the resistivity and sonic logs. The FMS images show considerably greater resolution of the relative conductivity changes over this interval and reflect formation characteristics that are not apparent at the broad scale of the other logs.

Figure 8. Generalized lithology of the sedimentary units recovered at Hole 1074A.

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