Leg 174B Technical Report


New York City Port Call
This port call was arranged as a Public Relations event, although there was considerable pressure to carry on much of the normal port-call routine. Because of limited facilities and potential cost, only high-priority items were moved, including cores to the ECR and leg samples and data. Logging-while-drilling tools and a SSI water gun were shipped to the owners. CORK components needed to instrument Site 395A and network system upgrade components were received.

Surplus equipment, DOT boxes, gas bottle racks, K-boxes, and pallets remained aboard. Hazardous items were deferred to Las Palmas and then Capetown port calls.

Tours for visitors were conducted over the three days, including VIPs, an open house for scientists, and tours for Schlumberger investor groups.

Service calls were arranged including ARL, to repair the second goniometer on the ARL X-ray fluorescence (XRF) unit, and SERCAL, to clean and align the research microscopes. Liquid helium was received to top off the cryogenic magnetometer in preparation for the upcoming remote southern latitudes and to verify how much helium the instrument is using. Bill Goree of 2G was employed for the fill and to recalibrate the support electronics. The device that measures the helium level was removed to be serviced.

Underway from New York City to Hole 395A
In port, Windows NT4 was installed on the navigation computers and a new version of WinFrog, our navigation software, was loaded. The ship departed New York City at 1600, 21 July. Underway watches begin at 1800, 22 July well out of New York's traffic. The quality of the 12 kHz depth transceiver record was poor and faded in deeper water. The instrument was eventually secured for troubleshooting. Depths for the remainder of the leg were read by hand from the 3.5 kHz record. Navigation, magnetic, and bathymetric data were collected. The Omnistar GPS receivers in GPS mode were used on the transit. The JOIDES Resolution arrived at Hole 395A located on the mid-Atlantic Ridge at 0700, 28 July to begin five days of reentry, temperature measurement, and a CORKing operation to seal the cone and prepare it for submersible tending. The reentry cone was located approximately 100 m from its reported location.

Underway from Site 1074 to Las Palmas, Canary Islands
Site 1074A was terminated a few hours early when the positioning beacon and the network carrying the site position display failed simultaneously. The ship maintained heading, drifting off site, while the drill pipe was pulled; we were underway for Las Palmas about 1415, 2 August. Watches started immediately, again recording bathymetry, magnetics, and navigation. Depths were read from the 3.5-kHz depth record. On the 7th of August, the multichannel and single channel hydrophone arrays were deployed for 8 hr of comparison testing.

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