Sites: 1
Holes: 1
No. of Cores: 122
Meters Cored (m): 1003.2
Meters Recovered (m): 866
Number of General Samples: 3165

Whole Core Multisensor Track
GRAPE (sections): 763
Natural Gamma Radiation (sections): 763
Magnetic Susceptibility (sections): 763

Physical Properties Lab:
PVS #3 Velocity: 205
Resistivity: 40
Moisture-Density: 213
Thermal Conductivity: 218

X-ray Lab
X-ray Fluorescence:
Majors: 279
Trace: 196
X-ray Diffraction: 13

Thin Section Lab
Thin Sections: 253

Chemistry Lab
Carbon-Nitrogen-Hydrogen-Sulfur: 60

Underway Geophysics
Total Transit (nmi): 4000
Bathymetry(nmi): 1900
Magnetics(nmi): 1900
Vertical Seismic Profile: 1

Paleomagnetic Lab
Cryogenic magnetometer (sections): 763
Molspin: 346

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