Figure 9. Positions of Leg 177 sites relative to the depositional regimes in the basins around South Africa (after Tucholke and Embley [1984] and Ciesielski, Kristoffersen, et al. [1988]). 1 = core of circumbasin erosional zone; 2 = basement exposed by current erosion; 3 = sediment wave field; 4 = zone of thin sediment along the mid-oceanic ridge axis and beneath the ACC; 5 = thick sediment drifts with weak acoustic laminae; 6 = generalized bathymetric contours as labeled (4500 m is a dashed line); 7 = limit of thick, moderately laminated drifts of diatomaceous sediment extending north of the polar front; 8 = glide plane scars at the head of slumps and slides; 9 = approximate seaward limit of slumps and slides; 10 = seamounts; 11 = piston cores of pre-Quaternary outcrops (from left to right, top to bottom: Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene, Paleocene, and Cretaceous); 12 = manganese nodules/pavement observed in bottom photographs; 13 = current direction from bottom photographs; 14 = direct current measurements; and 15 = flow of AABW inferred from bottom-water potential temperature.
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