General Statistics
Sites: 9
Holes: 22
No. of cores: 327
Meters cored: 2923.7
Meters recovered: 1806.89
Number of general samples: 9040

Whole-Core Multisensor Track
GRAPE (sections): 1271
Natural gamma radiation (sections): 1270
Magnetic susceptibility (sections): 1271
P-wave: 637

Physical Properties Lab
PVS #1 velocity: 57
PVS #2 velocity: 57
PVS #3 velocity: 857
Moisture-density: 649
Thermal conductivity: 109
Vane shear: 46

X-ray Lab
X-ray fluorescence (samples prepared): 56
Major (no trace done):
X-ray diffraction: 333

Thin Section Lab
Thin Sections: 11

Chemistry Lab
Carbon-nitrogen-hydrogen-sulfur: 160
Carbonate: 586
Interstitial water: 125
Head space: 170
Rock-Eval: 12

Underway Geophysics
Total transit (nmi): 5486
Bathymetry (nmi): 4900
Magnetic (nmi): 4300
Vertical seismic profile: 1

Paleomagnetics Lab
Cryogenic magnetometer (sections): 1350
Discrete: 450

Downhole Tools
Adara tool: 18
Davis-Villinger: 2

Note: X-ray fluorescence measurements were done on Leg 179.

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