Figure 25. Plot of diabase and metadiabase samples from talus samples at Sites 1108, 1111, and 1114 normalized to the average values for unaltered diabase from Site 1109. Key: 1 = foliated, epidote-rich schist in Hole 1111A (Sample 180-1111A-16R-CC, 815 cm); 2 = metadiabase pebble in sediments of Hole 1108B (Sample 180-1108B-47R-CC, 13 cm); 3 = nonfoliated metadiabase in Hole 1114A (Sample 180-1114A-36R-2, 4042 cm); 4 = foliated metadiabase pebble in Hole 1114A (Sample 180-1114A-36R-1, 7072 cm).