After raising the drill pipe to 2745 mbsl and recovering the positioning beacon, we began the DP transit to Site 1113 (proposed site ACE-13A). The positioning beacon was deployed at the GPS Site 1112 (ACE-12A) coordinates at 1645 hr on 11 July.
SITE 1113
Hole 1113
The vessel was positioned over the site as the drill pipe was lowered back to the seafloor. The top drive was picked up, and Hole 1113A was spudded at 2045 hr on 11 July 1998. The seafloor was tagged at a depth of 2915.6 mbsl, and we cut RCB Cores 1R and 2R to 20.2 mbsf. After making the drill pipe connection prior to cutting the next core, 7 m of sediment filled the bottom of the hole. The fill was washed out and Core 3R was cut to 25.2 mbsf. We decided to terminate the hole because of the extremely slow ROP (0.8 m/hr) and poor hole conditions at such shallow subseafloor depths. The pipe was pulled clear of the seafloor at 1345 hr on 12 July, and the bit cleared the rig floor, ending Hole 1113A at 2000 hr. Recovery for the hole was 0.44 m (1.7%).