Hole 1125B
The vessel was offset 30 m to the north. To obtain stratigraphic overlap with the previous hole,
the bit was lowered by 5 m from the spudding depth of Hole 1123A, and Hole 1125B was
spudded with the APC at 2130 hr on 3 October. The recovery indicated a seafloor depth of 1365.6
mbsl. APC coring advanced without incident to 188.8 mbsf. Cores were oriented starting with
Core 181-1125B-3H. The hole was deepened with the XCB to 552.1 mbsf, when coring time
expired for the leg at 0315 hr on 6 October.
Logging Operations in Hole 1125B
In preparation for logging, an aluminum go-devil was dropped and the hole was circulated
with a 60-barrel flush of high-viscosity mud and displaced with 186 barrels of sepiolite. The bit
was pulled back to 512 mbsf and the top drive set back. The bit was placed at the logging depth of
96 mbsf. Logging operations began at 0600 hr on 6 October and ended at 1300 hr the same day.
Logging operations were limited to only one full pass of the triple combination because of time
constraints. There was ~12 m of heave throughout operations and the wireline heave
compensator was used during all measurements. The hole was logged from the bottom at 524
mbsf to the bit at 78 mbsf (picked up from 96 mbsf). The condition of the borehole was good and
the quality of the data was excellent. The hole had a fairly uniform diameter of 12 inches
throughout, except near the top where the hole widened to >18 inches.
Following the rigging down from logging, the drill string was recovered and the BHA disassembled for secure stowage during the final transit of the leg. Following the recovery of the beacon, the hydrophones and thrusters were retracted, and the vessel began the transit to Wellington, New Zealand, at 1730 hr on 6 October.