Site 801: A Jurassic Basement Reference Site
ODP Hole 801C was first drilled during Leg 129 in December 1989 as
part of a series of drill sites aimed at recovering Jurassic sediment and
oceanic crust in the Pacific Ocean (Lancelot, Larson et al., 1990). Rocks
from Hole 801C are the oldest sampled in the ocean basins (at ~170 Ma)
(Pringle, 1992). During Leg 144, the hole was reentered and logged, and a
drill-string packer experiment was conducted (Haggerty, Silva, Rack, et
al.,1995; Larson et al., 1993). Leg 185 succeeded in deepening Hole 801C
by an additional 359 m, to a total depth in basement of 474 m, placing this
site as the DSDP and ODP drill hole with the sixth greatest penetration
into normal oceanic crust. Recovery was good (47%), and a complete suite
of ODP downhole logs was run to 850 mbsf. Although the reentry cone
needs to be cleared of cuttings, which hampered logging by flowing back
into the hole, it is in good condition and remains as ODP's legacy site in
the Earth's oldest ocean crust.
Basement Stratigraphy and Geochemistry
The basaltic section in Hole 801C is overlain by a sedimentary section
characterized by an upper (56 m) pelagic clay unit, which overlies a 63
m-thick chert-porcellanite unit. These units are underlain by thick (192
m) volcaniclastic turbidites of probable Albian age, which represent
redeposited material from the Magellan Seamounts. A second chert
radiolarite unit (125 m) underlies the volcaniclastics and gives way to 20
m of Callovian red radiolarites and claystones. These overlie basement at
461.6 mbsf in Hole 801C.
A stratigraphic column of the entire basement section is given in
Figure 10. This section includes a composite of the rocks drilled on both
Leg 129 and Leg 185. The uppermost basement (Sequence I) is alkaline in
character and is composed of basaltic to doleritic sills (Floyd et al., 1992;
Floyd and Castillo, 1992). Ar-Ar radiometric ages on laser-fused samples
(Pringle, 1992) give a weighted mean age of 157 Ma. The igneous units are
intercalated with chert-rich sediments, which are often baked at the
contact with the basalt. The sediments contain siliceous microfossils
that define ages of early Bathonian to late Bajocian (~170 Ma; Channell et
al., 1995) and confirm the intrusive nature of the alkaline suite. This
alkaline division is 60.2 m thick and overlies a Si- and Fe
oxyhydroxide-rich hydrothermal horizon (Sequence II) for which logging
results (see resistivity log in Fig. 11) indicate a thickness of ~20 m.
During Leg 129, ~63 m of volcanic rock was drilled below the
hydrothermal deposit. The alteration intensity is highly variable in these
rocks, and their colors vary from gray black to green gray and to light
brown. Parts of these cores clearly were altered under a high fluid-flux
regime (see section, "Basement Alteration"). These lavas are thin flows
and pillows, but they lie above a series of thick flows; both are included
as part of Sequence III, the Upper Massive Flows (Fig. 10). These thick
flows have an exceptionally high resistivity (Fig. 11), although they
appear to be similar in lithologic and geochemical character to other thick
flows lower in the stratigraphy. Ar/Ar fusion dates on two samples from
Sequence III define an age for these lavas as <171 Ma, >157 Ma (Pringle,
The Upper Massive Unit also defines a clear magmatic evolutionary
trend toward more mafic, MgO-rich, and Zr-poor lavas from its base at
~580 mbsf to the overlying hydrothermal deposit (Fig. 12). The MgO-rich
lavas contain abundant olivine phenocrysts, which are only rarely observed
deeper in the section. The most evolved lavas, those with the lowest MgO
and highest Zr, are commonly triple saturated in olivine, plagioclase, and
clinopyroxene. In general, phenocrysts are scarce in the entire section
drilled during Leg 185. Plagioclase is the most common phase, but most of
the lavas are classified as aphyric. Figure 12, although intended to
highlight the alteration characteristics in Hole 801C, shows the typical
occurrence of plagioclase phenocrysts. Notwithstanding the paucity of
phenocrysts, mineralogical examination and X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
analyses for major and trace elements permitted definition of 18
geochemical units, which probably correspond to discrete magmatic
A second Si-rich hydrothermal unit is present deeper in the section at
630 mbsf. This unit marks a change in magma composition and, thus,
probably represents a significant hiatus in the volcanic evolution.
Between 600 and 720 mbsf the section is characterized by a pillow
dominated zone with well-developed interpillow horizons (Sequence
IVUpper Pillows and Flows). The amount of interpillow material of
probable sedimentary origin decreases significantly downsection in this
sequence. This is evident in the gamma-ray log (Fig. 11), which is smooth
and of low intensity throughout Sequence IV. Although not as distinct as
for Division III, there is again a trend toward more mafic lavas of
increasingly younger age through Sequence IV.
Below 720 mbsf, to the end of the hole at 934 m, a tectonic breccia
separates the Lower Massive Flows (720-890 mbsf) and a series of thin,
generally <1-m-thick sheet flows and pillows, the Lower Pillows and
Flows (890-934 mbsf). The thickest flow in the former exceeds 20 m.
Once more, the breccia zone also coincides with a change in geochemistry
(Fig. 12), indicating that the lithologic breaks in eruption style also
correlate with the evolution in the magma composition.
In Figure 11, the major changes in the resistivity and the natural
gamma logs correspond to the major sequence divisions defined by
lithology and geochemistry. The logging data along with the FMS images
will be integrated with the core descriptions to create as complete a
section as possible from which the bulk geochemical composition of the
upper oceanic crust at this site will be calculated.
This igneous sequence represents a key section recovered from fast
spreading crust (total basement penetration = 470 m) and will thus serve
as an important type section with which to compare to the modern East
Pacific Rise. The entire section between 530 and 890 mbsf is tholeiitic
and extrusive in character. The tholeiites are all normal (N) MORB (Fig.
12), with most falling on the same crystal fractionation trend from 7.5%
MgO to 6% MgO (1200°-1130°C). Although it is highly altered, the capping
tholeiite is very primitive, with abundant chrome spinel and up to 10%
MgO. Overall, from the base to the top of the section there is a decrease in
MgO (Fig. 12). During Leg 185, we recovered abundant, fresh basaltic glass
in more than >20 cores, which represent the oldest volcanic glass in the
oceans, and will be critical in assessing the primary magma compositions
and possible changes in MORB melting parameters during the Jurassic. The
presence of frequent sediment intervals in the upper volcanic section and
low-temperature hydrothermal units (see below) may not be unusual for
fast-spreading crust, whereas high-temperature focused hydrothermal
deposits and low-temperature diffuse interval areas are very common
along the spreading axis.
Basement Alteration
The ocherous hydrothermal units are a significant characteristic of
Site 801. Although similar types of deposits exist near the modern East
Pacific Rise, they have never been drilled in oceanic basement elsewhere.
Fluid temperatures of formation calculated for the upper hydrothermal
deposit (Sequence II) give temperatures of ~16°-60°C (Alt et al., 1992).
These fluids controlled the alteration budget of the underlying pillow
A primary objective for Leg 185 was to quantify the chemical
alteration of Jurassic basement in the west Pacific in order to calculate
geochemical fluxes to the Mariana "Subduction Factory." Thus, detailed
work was done aboard ship logging vein types, breccia, hyaloclastite,
interpillow units, and alteration color, as well as using the continuous
MST data and downhole logs to identify K- and U-rich zones from the
natural gamma emission. Figure 13 provides a good overview, although not
exhaustive, of the major alteration types observed in the cores. In
addition, this core shows one of the interpillow sediments, which are
clearly evident on the gamma logs (Fig. 11) and must contribute in a
significant way to the alkali budget of the hole. The dominant alteration
minerals are calcite, smectite, pyrite, silica, celadonite, and Fe
oxyhydroxides; and, as shown in Figure 13, different mixtures of these
minerals define the alteration color of the cores.
In tandem with the major change in the igneous units at ~720 mbsf,
there is a change in the style of alteration. It is marked by a higher
frequency of veins (27/m) and silica-rich interpillow material and
sediment at <720 mbsf, to less frequent veins (20/m) and more
hyaloclastites at >720 mbsf. The most extreme alteration is in the alkalic
unit at the top of the basement and adjacent to the ocherous hydrothermal
zones. This is characterized by pervasive alteration of the igneous
material to bleached pale green and buff-colored rocks, with significant
concentration of calcite, smectite, and celadonite, resulting in increases
in K, CO2, and H2O contents. In the pale green and buff-colored rocks all of
the ferromagnesian minerals have been destroyed, and there are losses of
Mg, Fe, and trace metals and gains in alkalis. Four oxidative alteration
zones are in Hole 801C: at the top of the basement in the brown alteration
of the alkalic unit; adjacent to the upper hydrothermal zone (462-550
mbsf); adjacent to the lower hydrothermal zone at 610-630 m; and deep in
the hole at ~750-900 mbsf. These oxidative zones are flanked by gray
basalt minimally altered at anoxic conditions (pyrite, calcite, and
saponite). The alternating oxidative zones with high fluid/rock ratios and
anoxic alteration assemblages of lower fluid/rock ratios is unusual given
what is more typically a general decrease downhole in oxidative
alteration, as found at some other drill sites into oceanic crust (Staudigel
et al., 1995; Alt et al., 1986). The pattern of alteration found in Hole 801C
was controlled by the local permeability structure, which may have been
influenced by clogging of circulation pathways with secondary minerals as
the result of early low-temperature hydrothermal activity associated
with the formation of the Fe-Si-hydrothermal deposits. This may be
typical of very fast spreading oceanic crust.
Calculating Element Budgets
Reconstructing the geochemistry of an incomplete sequence, which is
heterogeneous in particular for most of the elements of interest in
subduction fluxes (e.g., K, U, Ba, CO2, and H2O), is a challenging procedure.
The logging information allows reconstruction of the section, particularly
for quantifying brecciated and massive flow units. The gamma log
provides quantitative information for K, U, and Th. Quantifying the number
of veins and breccia intervals and integrating these data with geochemical
information over the section also provides a means of calculating a
mathematical average of the geochemistry of the cored section. The
geochemical and isotope data will be obtained from a suite of 118
samples taken downhole on which several scientists will work to provide
a data base. Some of these samples will also be mixed together to provide
composite samples of the different sequences identified in the core.
Two preliminary attempts were made shipboard to quantify the
potassium content of the core. They both underline the difficulties
involved in making these estimations.
Firstly, using shipboard measurements for K2O and the estimation of
vol% alteration (halos, 1.7%; breccia and hyaloclastite, 1.5%; celadonite
veins, 0.05%), and 96.75% relatively unaltered rock, indicates that the
total section cored during Leg 185 has experienced ~17% increase in K2O
and Rb contents as the result of seawater alteration. Adding interpillow
sediment to this estimate increases the bulk K2O content of the Leg 185
section to 60% greater than in fresh basalt alone, with 27% of the total
alkali budget residing in interpillow sediment.
Secondly, by calibrating the MST results for the natural-gamma
spectrometry tool (NGT) signal with respect to K2O analyses in altered and
fresh rocks, it was shown to be possible to integrate the K2O signal for a
section of core. Intercalibration of the MST-NGT signal and the gamma log
are in reasonable agreement, with a cutoff in the detection limit at ~0.45
wt% K2O. Whereas this cutoff is higher than much of the background value
in the least-altered rock, it provides an effective way of integrating the
signal for all of the K-enriched zones downhole. The bulk K2O calculated
from the MST-NGR data for the entire tholeiitic section is 0.31 wt%, and
from the logged interval it is 0.36 wt%. The MST estimate would require
that the 97% of the core that did not contain patent alteration features
has 0.27 wt% K2O. An average K2O of 0.31 wt% is lower than that
calculated for DSDP Site 417 (0.56 wt%; Staudigel et al., 1995). The
technique laid out in this report could be used to calculate bulk K2O at the
few other ODP sites drilled deeply into basement (Holes 504B, 765C, 332)
to start to form a better understanding of the controls on seafloor
alteration fluxes.
Character of the Jurassic Quiet Zone
Hole 801C was also unique in providing the opportunity to examine the
causes for an absence of magnetic anomalies, a characteristic of Jurassic
basementthe so-called Jurassic Quiet Zone. The JQZ has been
hypothesized variously as a time of no geomagnetic field reversals, of
anomalous low geomagnetic field intensity, or numerous rapid reversals.
In combination with the previous results from Leg 129, the basement in
Hole 801C shows a series of polarity reversals downhole. The results from
the continuous shipboard measurement downhole and the magnetic
signature in the geophysical logs are shown in Figure 11 relative to the
different basement sequences. The cores analyzed with the shipboard
magnetometer show a gradual change in the magnetic field direction from
one polarity interval to the other. In both the magnetic logs and the
shipboard analyses, numerous flows between those of opposite polarities
display zero inclination values. These results indicate that the lavas were
erupted in a period of rapid polarity fluctuations of the Earth's magnetic
field. Although analysis of the core and logging data is incomplete, there
appears to be a correlation between polarity changes and the different
volcanic sequences. From the bottom of the hole upward, the first reversal
corresponds to a change from thin pillows and sheet flows to the Lower
Massive Flows (from the stratigraphic column this change may be best
placed at ~870 mbsf rather than at the breccia at 850 mbsf). The second
polarity change is at the transition from the Lower Massive Flow sequence
to the Upper Pillows and Flows. Given the spreading rate estimate for the
ridge axis of 160 km/m.y, and therefore, the rate at which the volcanic
sequences must have formed, the lavas must be recording rapid
fluctuations of the magnetic field. The fields have the effect of canceling
each other out and registering an average zero polarity. The reason for and
the rate of these rapid fluctuations require further research. The volcanic
glass that is preserved in small amounts down the hole will be used to
evaluate the intensity of the magnetic field in the Jurassic, a parameter
that is perhaps related to the rapid fluctuations.