Hole 1161A
After the hydrophones and thrusters were extended and the vessel
settled on location, the PDR referenced to the DES indicated a water depth
of 5031.4 mbrf. The nine-collar BHA employed at the previous sites was
reassembled with a new C-7 four-cone rotary bit and a mechanical bit
release. We initiated Hole 1161A at 2330 hr on 25 December and drilled to
116.0 mbsf before contacting basement. We deepened Hole 1161A by
rotary coring from 116.0 to 145.3 mbsf (Cores 187-1161A-2R to 5R)
before the hole had to be abandoned because of erratic high torque, rapid
penetration, and poor recovery (15%). A tracer of fluorescent
microspheres was deployed on Core 187-1161A-2R. The drill string
cleared the seafloor at 1315 hr on 26 December, and we offset in dynamic
positioning mode 200 m north.
Hole 1161B
At Hole 1161B, we washed through 158.5 m of sediment before
contacting basement and retrieving a wash barrel, which recovered a few
pieces of basalt. We advanced Hole 1161B by rotary coring from 158.5 to
167.0 mbsf (Cores 187-1161B-2R and 3R, 10% recovery) with the same
poor drilling conditions we experienced in the first hole. Rather than
attempting to start a third hole at this site, we decided that we had
recovered sufficient material at this site to meet our primary shipboard
objectives and to move to our next site. We deployed a second tracer of
fluorescent microspheres on Core 187-1161B-2R. The drill bit cleared the
seafloor at 0045 hr and the rotary table at 0915 hr on 27 December.