Prince Charles Mountains
The basement through which the Lambert Glacier and its tributaries flow
is extensively exposed in the Prince Charles Mountains. Tingey (1991)
distinguishes between the high grade metamorphic rocks of the northern
Prince Charles Mountains and the lower grade rocks of the southern Prince
Charles Mountains. The northern Prince Charles Mountains consist largely
of layered and massive granulite to upper amphibolite facies intruded by
charnokite plutons, granite, and pegmatite veins, and alkaline igneous
dykes. Metapelites, marbles, skarns, metabasalts, metandesites, and
metagabbros are all represented (Tingey, 1991). The southern Prince
Charles Mountains have Archean granitic orthogneiss basement overlain by
Archean quartzites that are intruded by pegmatites and tholeiitic dykes.
These Archean rocks are overlain by Proterozoic greenschist facies
metasediments, including conglomerates, sandstone, schists, and phyllites
that are intruded by Cambrian granite. Basement rocks in the Beaver Lake
area are intruded by basic dykes including some lamporites (Tingey,
Phanerozoic Sediments
Geophysical data indicate that the Lambert Graben and Prydz Bay Basin
contain several kilometers of sediment. The only outcrops are found at
Beaver Lake in the northern Prince Charles Mountains, where a
270-m-thick section of coal-bearing, nonmarine sediments is exposed
(Fig. 5; McLoughlan and Drinnan, 1997). The Amery Group is late Permian to
Triassic in age (McLoughlan and Drinnan, 1997) and occupies a small fault
angle depression on the western side of the Lambert Graben. These
sediments are thought to be present within the Lambert Graben as well.
Cenozoic sediments are also present in the Prince Charles Mountains. In the northern Prince Charles Mountains at Beaver Lake some 800 m of diamictons and minor mudstone and sandstone is exposed in Pagodroma Gorge. Hambrey and McKelvey (in press) interpret these deposits, the Pagodroma Group, as glaciomarine fjord infillings that include in situ mollusks and reworked diatoms that suggest middle Miocene, late Pliocene and early Pleistocene ages (<3.5 Ma) (McKelvey and Stephenson, 1990; Quilty, 1993; Hambrey and McKelvey, in press). Diamictites are also known from Fisher Massif and other parts of the Prince Charles Mountains at higher elevations than the Pagodroma Group. They are possibly of Miocene age (Hambrey and McKelvey, in press).
Prydz Bay
Coastal outcrops along the eastern side of Prydz Bay comprise high-grade
Archean and Proterozoic metamorphic rocks. In the Larseman Hills, 60% of
the basement consists of medium- to coarse-grained garnet-bearing
gneiss and 10% a distinctive blue rich in cordierite (Tingey, 1991).
Smaller outcrops of Proterozoic gneisses and Cambrian granites are
scattered along the eastern coast south of the largest area of outcrop in
the Vestfold Hills. The basement of the Vestfold Hills is mostly Archean
gneisses, including metagabbros and pyroxenites cut by several
generations of Proterozoic mafic dykes (Tingey, 1991).
Pre-Cenozoic Sediments
Pre-Cenozoic sediments are known from ODP Sites 740 and 741 (Fig. 7).
Two sequences are present; a lower red bed unit and an upper, Aptian
coal-bearing sequence (Turner, 1991; Turner and Padley, 1991).
The red bed sequence consists of sandstone interbedded with claystone and siltstone that may reach a thickness of 2-3 km in the center of the Prydz Bay Basin. The sediments are brown red to green gray in color. Sandstone units are as thick as 3 m and are medium to coarse grained, fining up to siltstone and claystone. Turner (1991) describes the sandstones as quartzose with 17% to 66% clay matrix. The matrix is a mixture of chlorite, sericite, biotite, and muscovite. X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicates the presence of illite-smectite and kaolinite in the clay fraction. The red-colored beds contain abundant iron oxide in the matrix; green units are richer in chlorite. Framework grains are predominantly quartz with 6% rock fragments mostly composed of rounded granite gneiss grains made up of quartz, muscovite, chlorite, and feldspar. Feldspars are mostly orthoclase and microcline with very little plagioclase. Turner (1991) interprets the sediments as deposits of floodplains in an actively subsiding basin where rapid uplift, erosion, and deposition preserved their immature composition.
The upper sequence of pre-Cenozoic sediments in the Prydz Bay Basin is composed of mid-Aptian sandstone, siltstone, claystone, and minor conglomerate and coal (Turner and Padley, 1991). Sandstone units are 2-3 m thick and white to gray with cross-bedding and thin conglomerates at their base and abundant plant fragments scattered throughout. Sand grains are predominantly quartz and feldspar with garnet, biotite, and illmenite accessories. Siltstones and claystones are rich in plant fragments with some ripple cross-laminations, and rootlets beds. They form coarsening-up sequences suggesting deposition in crevasse splay deposits in swampy, vegetated floodplains. Sandstone units were probably deposited in low-sinuosity fluvial channels. There are no indications of marine deposition. The presence of coal and abundant plant debris indicates a humid climate (Turner and Padley, 1991).
Cenozoic Outcrops
Cenozoic sediments are exposed in several small areas along the east
coast of Prydz Bay (Quilty, 1993). The Larseman Hills features a thin,
shallow marine sand containing shell fragments, Pliocene foraminifers
and diatoms that suggest an age of between 2 and 3 Ma (Quilty, 1993). Of
greater extent and significance are the Pliocene sediments of Marine Plain
in the Vestfold Hills (Pickard, 1986; Quilty, 1993). They occupy an area of
~10 km2 and reach thicknesses of 8-9 m. The sediment is
diatomite, siltstone, and fine sandstone with sponge spicules, bivalves,
and a diverse fauna of benthic organisms preserved in places (Quilty,
1993). The most spectacular fossils in the area are Cetacean skeletons,
including dolphins and a right whale. Diatom assemblages suggest
deposition in less than 75 m of water between 4.2 and 3.5 Ma (Quilty,
1993). The fossils present and preliminary isotope measurements led
Quilty (1993) to infer warmer conditions during deposition than currently
prevail. Water temperatures may have been as high as 5°C (Quilty, 1993).
Mac. Robertson Shelf
The area immediately to the south of Site 1165 is the Mac. Robertson Land
Shelf, which may also have contributed to sedimentation on the
continental rise. The Mac. Robertson Shelf is a narrow, rugged shelf west
of Prydz Bay that is currently being eroded by iceberg scour and
geostrophic currents (Harris and O'Brien, 1996). During the Pleistocene,
coastal glaciers excavated U-shaped valleys to the shelf edge (Harris et
al., 1996). The inner shelf is underlain by Precambrian metamorphics and
half grabens containing Mesozoic sediments (Truswell et al., 1999). The
outer shelf is underlain by offlapping sediments ranging from Cretaceous
to Paleogene as indicated by reworked microfossils (Truswell et al., 1999;
Quilty et al., in press). Quilty et al. (in press) described Eocene and
Oligocene foraminifers along with glauconite from surficial sediments on
the shelf.