Site 1173 Summary
We completed drilling at Site 1173 in the trench outer margin (Fig. 9) in
order to provide a reference for the predeformation status of geological and
geochemical characteristics of the incoming sedimentary section. We
recognized five lithostratigraphic units (Figs. 8, 12): Unit I (0 to 102 mbsf) is
Quaternary in age and composed of sandy to muddy turbidites of the outer
Nankai trenchwedge facies; Unit II (102 to 344 mbsf) is Quaternary to
Pliocene in age and made up of hemipelagic mud with abundant interbeds of
volcanic that were ash probably derived from the Kyushu and/or Honshu
volcanic arcs (upper Shikoku Basin facies; Fig. 13); Unit III (344 to 688 mbsf)
consists of Pliocene to middle Miocene bioturbated silty claystone (lower
Shikoku Basin facies); Unit IV (688 to 725 mbsf) is probably middle Miocene
in age and composed of variegated siliceous claystone and silty claystone
(volcaniclastic facies); Unit V (725 mbsf) is middle Miocene basalt. The
boundary between Units II and III is controlled, in part, by diagenesis. There is
an abrupt loss of unequivocal ash beds and replacement by siliceous
claystone (Fig. 14).
Biostratigraphic age control provided by calcareous nannofossils identified
a total of 23 biostratigraphic events. The continuous sedimentary section
spans the time interval from the Pleistocene (Subzone NN21b) through the
middle Miocene (Zone NN5). Magnetostratigraphy clearly identified the
Bruhnes/Matuyama boundary (0.78 Ma), Matuyama/Gauss boundary (2.581
Ma), the Gauss/Gilbert boundary (3.58 Ma), and the termination of the
Gilbert Chron (5.894 Ma). Paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic ages indicate
high sedimentation rates (450650 m/m.y.) for the turbidite deposits,
decreasing rates for the upper Shikoku Basin section (7277 m/m.y.), and
lowest rates for the lower Shikoku Basin (2737 m/m.y.).
Deformation structures in Hole 1173A are sparse oceanward of the
prism, as expected from a reference site. The section above 375 mbsf is
characterized by horizontal bedding with occasional microfaults between 250
and 275 mbsf. Bedding dips reaching 20°, perhaps due to lateral extension
associated with normal faulting, occur abruptly at 375 mbsf and continue
down to 550 mbsf and sporadically to the bottom of the hole. A 30-cm zone
of foliated breccia indicates somewhat greater deformation around 440
mbsf. Lower cores contain rare mineralized veins; a few possible dewatering
structures such as thin, sediment-filled veins reflect early compaction
Variations in physical properties correlate well with the lithostratigraphic
units. High variability characterizes the turbidites of the outer Nankai Trench
wedge, and porosities decrease with depth. Porosity increases at the
boundary between the outer Nankai Trench wedge and the upper Shikoku
Basin facies and continues to increase slightly with depth. These elevated
porosities deviate from a typical compaction profile. An increase in P-wave
velocities within this interval of increasing porosity suggests that there may
be slight cementation. At the boundary between the upper and lower Shikoku
Basin facies (~340 mbsf), grain densities increase slightly and porosities
decrease sharply. This porosity decrease is accompanied by increasing
thermal conductivity, P-wave velocity, and resistivity. A gas-probe
permeameter showed that ash bands in the upper Shikoku Basin sediments
are significantly more permeable than the hemipelagites, although the
contrast disappears in the lower Shikoku Basin section.
Seven reliable determinations of downhole temperatures were made at
depths of 35 to 284 mbsf in Hole 1173A, using the advanced hydraulic piston
corer (APC) temperature tool, water-sampling temperature probe (WSTP),
and Davis-Villinger temperature probe (DVTP). The measured temperatures
closely define a linear gradient of 0.183°C/m in the upper 300 m, where the
average measured thermal conductivity is ~1.0 W/(m·K); this yields a
conductive heat flow of ~180 mW/m2 at Site 1173. Deeper than 300 m,
thermal conductivities increase by 30%50%, so the gradient should
decrease proportionally, and in situ temperatures of ~110°C are estimated
for the bottom of the hole similar to the basement temperature estimated
for Site 808. The heat flow value is somewhat higher than prior
determinations of high heat flow near the site and greater than the
predicted heat transfer for the 15-m.y. crustal age.
A high-resolution pore fluid concentration-depth profile shows that the
pore fluid chemistry has been extensively modified from seawater by both
microbially mediated reactions and by abiological, inorganic fluid-rock
reactions. The chemical modifications from the microbially mediated
reactions provide crucial independent information on the depth range,
intensity, and nature of microbial activity in the deep subsurface. Each
inorganically controlled dissolved species analyzed (i.e., Cl, Ca, Mg, SiO2, K,
and Na, shows a distinct to sharp discontinuity at 340 mbsf, which
corresponds to the lithologic boundary between Units II and III. Furthermore,
minima in Cl and Na concentrations and significant inflections in the Mg and
Ca profiles occur at ~380390 mbsf. These features suggest that this
horizon may be hydrologically active. A broad ~350-m-thick low-Cl zone
within Unit III, with ~9% dilution relative to seawater, requires a source of
low-Cl fluid. The similarities between this low-Cl zone and that at ODP Site
808 are striking, except that at Site 808 the dilution relative to seawater is
more than twice that observed at this site.
Total organic carbon values are low (average = 0.35 wt%) and decrease
with depth (0.85 to 0.20 wt%). The C/N ratios indicate the presence of
marine organic matter throughout the hole and show a slight increase in the
lower ~200 m. The low sulfate and high methane concentrations in the upper
section below the sulfate reduction zone are consistent with a bacterial
origin. The increase in sulfate concentrations from ~400 to 700 mbsf
coupled with the low concentrations of methane may indicate that sulfate is
inhibiting production of hydrocarbons that were more abundant at Site 808.
The presence of low concentrations of light hydrocarbons (ethane and
propane) below 300 m to total depth may be due to some in situ thermal
maturation of kerogen in the sediments. The low concentrations of methane
at depth and the lack of evidence for any migration of hydrocarbons from
above the facies transition (347.3 mbsf) support these conclusions. The
microbes observed (~480 m) at temperatures above 90°C in the presence of
elevated sulfate concentrations suggest that methanogenesis due to
microbial activity is not completely inhibited, although at these
temperatures, thermogenic hydrocarbons are likely being produced.
Samples taken for bacterial enumeration show that bacteria are present
in all samples to 500 mbsf and thereafter are absent (the detection limit is
4.75 ± 105). The population profile generally follows the average line obtained
from other ODP sites for the upper 250 m of the hole with a rapid decrease
in population size in the upper few meters as the sulfate was depleted.
Between 43 and 80 mbsf, there is a significant (sevenfold) increase in
bacterial numbers coincident with elevated methane concentrations. At 250
mbsf there is both a temperature boundary for bacteria (45°50°C, the
change from mesophilic to thermophilic populations) and significant
differences in interstitial water (IW) chemistry, which complicates
interpretation. Further changes occur in IW chemistry at a lithologic
boundary at 343 mbsf. Between 250 and 460 mbsf, bacterial numbers are
lower than average. Another microbiological temperature boundary
(thermophilic to hyperthermophilic populations) occurs at 460 mbsf as
temperatures exceed 80°C. One positive enumeration was made in this zone
at 500 mbsf and ~85°C, where populations increase by a factor of 13. At
this depth there were relatively high concentrations of organic carbon plus
increasing concentrations of sulfate, methane, and hydrogen that could
support a deep hyperthermophilic population of sulfate-reducing bacteria.
Tracer tests were successfully carried out on two APC cores and two
extended core barrel (XCB) cores with both perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) and
fluorescent microspheres. PFT was detected in the center and midway
between the center and the outside in some APC core sections; however,
PFT was absent from the center of the XCB core sections. In contrast,
microspheres were generally absent in samples taken midway between the
center and the outside of the core in both APC cores and one of the XCB
cores and were only present in the centers of some of the XCB core
sections. These results suggest that intrusion of microspheres into the
center of the cores was a result of postrecovery handling and not diffusion
of drilling fluid during coring. This is the first time fluorescent microsphere
tracers have been used during the collection of cores with the XCB.
Hole 1173A was logged with both the triple combination logging string (spectral gamma ray, dual-induction resistivity, lithodensity, and neutron porosity tools) and the Formation MicroScanner and dipole sonic imager (FMS-sonic) tools. The interval from 65 to 373 mbsf was logged in two passes, and high-quality compressional and shear travel time data and FMS images were acquired. During the second pass, a new low-frequency (<1 kHz) dipole source was used on the DSI and produced excellent shear waveforms despite the very low formation velocity. Logging results are generally consistent with the homogeneous hemipelagic core lithology, with few identifiable lithologic boundaries in the logged interval. Density is low from 97 to 336 mbsf, with a slight gradual decrease with depth, then sharply higher in the 358440 mbsf interval. Compressional and shear wave velocities are nearly constant with depth to 225 mbsf, then increase with depth. Velocities decrease sharply in the short logged interval below 348 mbsf, corresponding to the Unit II/III boundary. Numerous ash layers and other sedimentologic and diagenetic features observed in the cores were well imaged by both FMS passes, which should permit high-resolution core-log integration.