Site 1177 Summary
The science objective of Site 1177 is to study the stratigraphic,
geochemical, and physical properties framework of a reference site along
the Ashizuri Transect (Fig. 10). This transect includes Sites 297, 298, 582,
and 583.
We recognized five lithostratigraphic units at Site 1177 (Figs. 8A, 26).
Unit I (upper Shikoku Basin facies) is Pliocene in age (300.20 to 401.76
mbsf) and consists mainly of weakly indurated hemipelagic mud interbedded
with fresh volcanic ash. Unit II (lower Shikoku hemipelagic facies) is late
Miocene in age (401.76 to 449.30 mbsf) and is composed almost entirely of
a more strongly indurated hemipelagic mudstone. Unit III (lower Shikoku
turbidite facies) is early to late Miocene in age (449.30 to 748.35 mbsf) and
consists of turbidite sand, silty sand, gravel, mudstone-clast conglomerate,
and hemipelagic mudstone, plus a few thin layers of carbonate-cemented
claystone and siliceous claystone. There are four sand-rich packets within
this facies, and most of the siliciclastic sands contain abundant woody plant
fragments (Fig. 27). Sediment dispersal evidently occurred through a broad
system of coalescing submarine fans. Unit IV (volcaniclastic-rich facies) is
early Miocene in age (748.35 to 831.08 mbsf). This unit consists of
variegated mudstone to claystone, volcanic ash (Fig. 28), and silt turbidites
with both volcaniclastic and siliciclastic compositions. Unit V is basaltic
basement (831.08 to 832.13 mbsf) and is probably early Miocene in age. The
basalt contains one pillow structure, and an intrusive contact with overlying
sediment is highly altered(Fig. 29).
Deformation structures at this site, oceanward of the prism, are very
sparse, more so than the reference sites at the Muroto Transect. This near
absence at Site 1177 of structures and bedding dips >10° may result from
slower rates of sedimentation, slight differences in lithology, or differences
in topography of the substrate. Early soft-sedimentary structures are
present between 748 and 831 mbsf; the main tectonic structure is a faulted
and diagenetically altered interval between 579.45 and 581.10 mbsf. The
basalt at the bottom of Hole 1177A, at 831 mbsf, exhibits glassy rinds at
its contact with the overlying sediment and networks of veins bearing calcite
and/or chlorite in complex interrelationships.
Biostratigraphic age control was provided by calcareous nannofossils,
although their abundance and states of preservation were generally poor
throughout the sequence; major intervals are barren of nannofossils. A total
of 11 biostratigraphic events were identified. The continuous sedimentary
section spans the time interval from the Pliocene (Zone NN18) through the
early Miocene (Zone NN2). The biostratigraphic age estimates indicate an
average sedimentation rate for the late Pliocene of 87 m/m.y. and a lower
sedimentation rate of 28.7 m/m.y. for the lower Miocene to Pliocene
Magnetic inclination data of Hole 1177A after AF demagnetization at 30
mT were useful for interpretation of geomagnetic polarity changes from
early the Miocene to Pleistocene. The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary is
expected to occur above the initial coring depth of 300 mbsf. The Reunion
Event (2.14 Ma) during the Matuyama Chron is interpreted to occur at
301.85 mbsf. The Matuyama/Gauss (2.581 Ma) and Gauss/Gilbert (3.58 Ma)
boundaries are interpreted to occur at 328.55 and 384.25 mbsf,
respectively. The beginning of Chron C3A (5.894 Ma) is identified to occur at
427.45 mbsf.
Sharp chemical discontinuities between and within lithostratigraphic units,
particularly intense in the Cl, Na, K, sulfate, and alkalinity concentrations,
and a high-sulfate turbidite unit in the middle half of the section are
outstanding characteristics of Site 1177 pore fluid concentration-depth
profiles. Discontinuities within lithostratigraphic units are unique for this site
and were not observed at Sites 1173, 1174, or 808.The chemical
discontinuities correspond with discontinuity boundaries in physical
properties, suggesting that specific sediment intervals are and have
remained for some time closed systems with respect to vertical diffusion.
The chemistry within individual intervals reflects the concentrations at the
time of "trapping" plus the in situ fluid-rock reactions since. The most
conspicuous "sealed-off" interval was identified close to the bottom of the
sediment section (775805 mbsf) by its distinctly higher porosities, ~60%,
relative to the sediments above and below having only ~40% porosity. The
sharpest discontinuity occurs at ~410 mbsf, the depth of the incipient
décollement, at the boundary between lithostratigraphic Units I and II. As yet
it is unclear what sediment type is acting as a cap rock. Preliminary
observations based on local Cl anomalies at the boundaries of the deep, high
porosity suggest that thin clay-rich horizons, probably smectite rich and
having high horizontal/vertical anisotropy and extremely low permeability,
may be responsible for sealing off sediment packets. The concentration
depth profiles are therefore only continuous in Units I and II but show unusual
variance in Units III and IV.
Within Unit III there is a general decrease in Cl concentration; the minimum
value is ~7% fresher than modern seawater concentration. This freshening,
probably not caused by fluid flow, is most plausibly produced by smectite
dehydration enhanced by Cl uptake by an authigenic hydrous silicate. To a
lesser extent Na and K profiles show similar trends. Sulfate reduction is
complete in Units I and IV, driven by microbial activity. But in between, in Unit
III, sulfate concentration is high, ~86% of the modern seawater value,
indicating that since burial little microbial activity has occurred. This is
probably the result of the very low content of nonwoody, labile organic
matter available for microbial activity in the turbidites. Most of the labile
organic matter was microbially oxidized when the turbidites were at or close
to the seafloor and sulfate diffused into this low sedimentation rate section.
The important diagenetic reactions are ash alteration, particularly
reflected in the Ca, Na, and K profiles; carbonate formation as reflected in
the Ca and alkalinity profiles; and opal-A dissolution as reflected in the Si
The total organic carbon contents ranged from 0.03 to 1.62 wt%, with an
average value of 0.45 wt%. The highest carbon values were measured in the
Shikoku turbidite facies sediments (Unit III), which contained a terrestrial
component characterized by plant detritus and pieces of wood. The sulfur
content ranged from 0 to 0.81 wt%, with the highest concentrations
occurring between 400520 mbsf and 650770 mbsf. The C/N ratios
indicated that a mixture of both marine and terrigenous sources were
contributing to the overall sediment composition. Unlike Sites 1175 and
1176, the inorganic carbon (~0.78 wt%) and carbonate contents (~2.7 wt%)
were low with the exception of some thin-bedded carbonate-cemented layers
(up to 65 wt%) in the Shikoku turbidite facies (Unit III).
Methane concentrations in sediments below the sulfate reduction zone
(~4.5 m down to 734 mbsf) are consistent with a bacterial origin. The
C1/(C1+C2) ratio for hydrocarbons in sediments below 750 mbsf plot within
the mixing zone, suggesting that more than one source of hydrocarbons may
be present.
Microorganisms were enumerated in 23 samples collected from 300 to
830 mbsf. Bacteria are present in all but two samples (687 and 830 mbsf)
at abundances that are generally lower than expected based on results from
previous ODP sites. A small, but statistically significant increase in bacterial
populations occurs from 380 to ~740 mbsf that correlates with elevated
sulfate concentrations in the interstitial water between these depths. The
continued presence of sulfate is unexpected when bacteria are present at
~106 cells/cm3, and this may be related to very low organic carbon
concentrations in the sediment preventing significant amounts of bacterial
sulfate reduction. A total of 21 whole-round cores were taken for shipboard
enrichment cultures, cell viability, and shore-based microbiological analysis to
measure potential bacterial activities, culture microorganisms, characterize
nucleic acids, and investigate fatty acid biomarkers.
Variations in physical properties at Site 1177 correlate well with the
lithostratigraphic units. Units I and II are both characterized by low scatter in
porosity. Unit I maintains a nearly constant porosity of 60%65%. At the top
of Unit II (402 mbsf), porosities begin to decrease rapidly with depth,
decreasing to 45%53% by 450 mbsf. Unit III is characterized by a gradual
decrease in porosity with depth and by increased scatter that may be due to
lithologic variations in this turbidite-rich sequence. Unit IV exhibits significant
scatter and shows no clear trend with depth. An excursion to lower porosity
(~40%) at 475510 mbsf within Unit III occurs in a sandy section.
Anomalously high porosity (~8%15% higher than in surrounding sediments)
within Unit IV occurs in a 30-m-thick zone between 765 and 795 mbsf. Low
vertical P-wave velocities and formation factors also characterize this zone.
Most gas permeameter determinations at Site 1177 range around the
values given by the background hemipelagites. Carbonate-cemented
claystones at 540 and 591 mbsf give slightly higher values, as do the altered
ashes of Unit IV, but the increase is small. The upper sands in Unit III account
for all the high measurements at the site. Numerous wood-bearing silty
sands were measured in the lower part of Unit III, but most give identical
results to the background hemipelagites, suggesting blockage of the pore
connections, perhaps by smectite.
In addition to serving as the reference site for the Ashizuri Transect, Site 1177 provides a comparison to the Muroto reference site (Site 1173). Comparison of the two sites will aid our understanding of the evolution of the Nankai Trough accretionary prism in two different geologic settings characterized by differing angles of prism taper.