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This report was prepared from shipboard files by scientists who participated in the cruise. The report was assembled under time constraints and does not contain all works and findings that will appear in the Initial Reports of the ODP Proceedings. Reference to the whole or to part of this report should be made as follows:

Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001. Leg 192 Preliminary Report: Basement drilling of the Ontong Java Plateau. ODP Prelim. Rpt., 192 [Online]. Available from World Wide Web: <>. [Cited YYYY-MM-DD]

Distribution: Electronic copies of this publication may be obtained from the ODP Publications homepage on the World Wide Web at:

This publication was prepared by the Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, as an account of work performed under the international Ocean Drilling Program, which is managed by Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation. Funding for the program is provided by the following agencies: