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Figure F12. Seismic correlation between Leg 194 sites (see Figure F2 for location profiles). A. Northern transect along seismic lines MAR13, MAR20, and MAR15 linking Sites 1193, 1194, 1192, and 1195. B. Southern transect along seismic line MAR07 linking Sites 1198, 1196, 1199, and 1197. Site 1199 is ~5 km off line MAR07 and was projected perpendicularly onto line MAR07. Roman numbers in left columns are lithologic unit boundaries. They do not correlate from site to site, as unit definition was based upon shipboard sedimentologic description of the drilled cores. Right columns indicate epoch boundaries defined with the shipboard age models. Numbers on the seismic section next to the sites indicate the age of seismic sequence boundaries, derived from time-depth conversion and shipboard age models. MS = megasequence.

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