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Figure F9. Stratigraphic correlation summary for Leg 194. A. Correlation between Sites 1193, 1194, 1192, and 1195, which represents the northern depth transect from the MP2 platform to the distal periplatform/hemipelagic setting. B. Correlation between Sites 1198, 1196, 1199, and 1197, which represents the southern depth transect extending across the MP2/MP3 platform from the northwest, across the platform top, to the southeast. C. Seven data panels are presented for each site and an explanation is provided describing the data and symbols used. Data sets include depth downhole in mbsf, core number, core recovery, lithostratigraphic units with age derived from biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy, a graphic display of the lithologies, mineralogy based upon XRD analysis, natural gamma ray profiles from downhole logging and core-based physical properties measurements, and the megasequences defined from seismic reflection data. MS = megasequence, wd = water depth.

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