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Figure F7. RAB image of Hole 808I showing all interpreted fractures. Fractures are separated into conductive (blue) and resistive (red) fractures. Tadpoles show fractures as dip direction with respect to north and dip (0°–90–414 mbsf), a fractured interval correlated with Leg 131, Site 808 core analysis (559–574 mbsf), and the décollement zone (~950 mbsf). The interval of continuous strong borehole breakouts is labeled between ~270 and ~530 mbsf, coincident with logging Unit 2 and bracketing the frontal thrust zone. Fracture orientations are dominantly northeast-southwest (dip directions: northwest-southeast) within the frontal thrust and 560-mbsf fractured interval but are more randomly oriented with depth. A north-south fracture orientation (east-west dip direction) is dominant within the décollement zone.

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