After finishing operations at Site 808, we returned to Hole 1173B to conduct a camera survey of the ACORK. After a 9.25-hr DP transit, the ship arrived at Hole 1173B at 0420 hr on 29 June. The drill string was lowered to 4795 mbrf, and the seafloor search for the reentry cone and ACORK began at 0600 hr. The reentry cone was located at 0618 hr and was observed until 0630 hr. The parted end of the drill pipe was inside the ACORK minicone and did not appear to stick out above it. Other than the fact that the inner bore of the ACORK is unusable, the Hole 1173B ACORK installation appeared to be intact. We began recovering the drill string and the VIT camera at 0630 hr on 29 June. The VIT was retrieved at 1200 hr. When the bit cleared the rig floor (2215 hr), we observed that the underreamer arms had broken off. This may have been one of the problems contributing to our inability to penetrate to the total depth. The transit to Yokohama began at 2215 hr. Leg 196 ended with the first line ashore at 0830 hr on 1 July 2001 in Yokohama.