Figure F12. Summary diagram of coring results for Hole 1207A plotted on the meters below seafloor (mbsf) scale. Maximum penetration measured with the drill pipe was 256.6 mbsf. The core recovery column is a graphic representation of the cored and recovered intervals for this hole. Large gaps in core recovery (<100% nominal recovery) near the base of the hole are primarily the result of coring problems that arose when chert was encountered. The graphic lithology column presents the major sediment types and defined lithologic units. The depth-age model is represented by calcareous nannofossil (red diamonds) and planktonic foraminiferal (black crosses) datum levels; dashed lines represent the boundaries between the Cretaceous/Paleocene and Oligocene/Miocene. Mass accumulation rates were calculated for total sediment (green open circles) and carbonate only (blue triangles). The color reflectance lightness parameter (L*) (purple points) was measured every 2.5 cm, and the percentage calcium carbonate (CaCO3) values are shown for comparison. Multisensor track (MST) magnetic susceptibility (brown points) and GRA wet bulk density (dark blue points) were measured every 2.5 cm, and index properties wet bulk density measurements (red circles) were completed on average once per section. MST P-wave velocity (light blue points) was determined every 2.5 cm, and discrete P-wave measurements (green circles) averaged at least one per section for comparison. Index properties determinations of porosity (blue squares) and percentage water content (red circles) were completed once per section on average.