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Figure F28. Total reflectance (L*) records for the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary interval at four sites (Holes 1209A, 1210A, 1211A and 1208A) in a depth transect across Shatsky Rise. Reflectance (L*) is a rough indicator of CaCO3 content as demonstrated in the Hole 1210A plot where CaCO3 is plotted as well. These records suggest that CaCO3 increased across the Eocene–Oligocene transition, possibly because of a deepening of the lysocline and calcite compensation depth (CCD). Note that the deepest record (Site 1208) has the lowest L* values and highest amplitude of variation of all, probably because it is near the lysocline depth. Water depths are indicated at the bottom of each plot.

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