Figure F15. Composite diagram showing selected logging data annotated with physical property measurements on the cores, petrologic observations, and paleomagnetic and rock magnetism results. Petrologic and magnetic results are reported in the core reference frame, wherein Subunit 4B was curated at a depth of 450 mbsf. Logging data show that Subunit 4B begins at a depth of ~460 mbsf. Correlations between core and logging intervals are shown as solid lines to indicate major boundaries (bottom of Subunit 4A and top of Subunit 4B) or as dashed lines to indicate subunit boundaries identified petrologically. Labeled zones at the base of the petrologic section indicate the following observations: (1) location of the cryptocrystalline horizon of basaltic texture; (2) greater number of magmatic contacts; (3) more veins or voids filled with holo- and cryptocrystalline groundmass/altered glass, clay and zeolites; (4) up to 5% degree of alteration within 1 m of Section 205-1253A-37R-1 and higher abundance of voids filled with clays and zeolites ending in an homogeneous microcrystalline gabbro; (5) increasing number of centimeter scale fractures and veins; and (6) very homogeneous microcrystalline to fine-grained gabbro with very weak magmatic contacts. Also indicated are the positions of the two OsmoSamplers (OS).