Figure F1. Regional location map. The boxed area represents the approximate Leg 207 operational area on Demerara Rise, which is shown in detail on Figure F2.
Figure F2. Seismic survey track lines over bathymetry. The bathymetry was compiled from the seafloor pick of the seismic data.
Figure F3. Global paleogeographic reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous, showing the position of Demerara Rise in the early South Atlantic.
Figure F4. Stratigraphy of industry well A2-1 in relation to multichannel seismic (MSC) line SU7657A. TD = total depth.
Figure F5. Summary of major geochemical, tectonic, sea level, and plankton evolutionary events associated with mid-Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) (from Leckie et al., 2002). Planktic = planktonic, Foram = foraminifer, Biostrat = biostratigraphy.
Figure F6. Comparison of Cretaceous 18O-temperature records indicate a 20- to 40-m.y. mismatch between peak CretaceousCenozoic warmth and peak CretaceousCenozoic tectonic CO2 production inferred from ocean crust cycling (after Wilson et al., 2002). Open symbols = "glassy" foraminifers from the low-latitude western Atlantic, Gulf Coast, and Tanzania. Solid symbols = bulk carbonate from the high-latitude southern Indian Ocean. All temperatures are conservative values calculated assuming w = mean Cretaceous seawater and would be 3°6°C higher if modern latitudinal trends in w were applied. VPDB = Vienna Peedee belemnite.
Figure F7. Cenozoic events in climate, tectonics, and biota vs. 18O and 13O in benthic foraminiferal calcite (after Zachos et al., 2001). VPDB = Vienna Peedee belemnite.
Figure F8. Schematic illustration of the distribution of lithologic units and major breaks in sedimentation recognized during Leg 207. Unit V is dominated by clastics, Unit IV by organic-rich deposits, and Units IIII by pelagic microfossils with variable clay contents.
Figure F9. Close-up photographs of the P/E and K/T boundary intervals recovered during Leg 207. Each section is in meters above and below the boundary intervals. A. The P/E boundary interval is hung on the clay layer interpreted as the lithologic expression of shoaling of the CCD associated with the benthic extinction event and carbon isotope excursion. B. The K/T boundary interval is hung on the base of the spherule layer interpreted as a primary air fall deposit of material ejected by the K/T impact. C. Locality map of the Leg 207 sites on Demerara Rise. The water depth for each site is indicated.
Figure F10. Paleogene biostratigraphic summary of the western sites (Sites 1258, 1260, and 1261) and eastern sites (Sites 1259 and 1257), which are in order by present-day relative water depth. Foram = foraminifers, Nanno = nannofossils, Rad = radiolarians.
Figure F11. Summary of Paleogene stratigraphy and lithologic succession at ODP Leg 207. Lithology is plotted against time to show duration of periods of deposition and location of unconformities. Western sites (Sites 1258, 1260, and 1261) and eastern sites (Sites 1259 and 1257) are in order by present-day relative water depth. PETM = Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum. K/T = Cretaceous/Tertiary
Figure F12. Cretaceous biostratigraphic summary of the western sites (Sites 1258, 1260, and 1261) and eastern sites (Sites 1259 and 1257), which are in order by present-day relative water depth. Foram = foraminifers, Nanno = nannofossils, Rad = radiolarians.
Figure F13. Summary of Cretaceous stratigraphy and lithologic succession at ODP Leg 207. Lithology is plotted against time to show duration of periods of deposition and locations of unconformities. The western sites (Sites 1258, 1260, and 1261) and eastern sites (Sites 1259 and 1257) are in order by present-day relative water depth. Forams = foraminifers, Nannos = nannofossils.
Figure F14. Late MaastrichtianDanian record of the Leg 207 sites. Cretaceous and Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal zones are shown. Note the uncertainty in thickness of planktonic foraminiferal Zone P is derived from the spacing of shipboard samples.
Figure F15. A. Summary of linear sedimentation rates (LSRs), expressed in centimeters per thousand years to easily compare with mass accumulation rates (MARs), derived from age-depth models at each of the Leg 207 sites. B. Summary of MARs calculated from LSRs and average DBD at each of the Leg 207 sites. P/E = Paleocene/Eocene, K/T = Cretaceous/Tertiary.
Figure F16. Magnetic susceptibility profiles for Leg 207 sites. The yellow shading indicates sections for which splice sections were created. Gaps within the splices are indicted. P/E = Paleocene/Eocene, K/T = Cretaceous/Tertiary.
Figure F17. Magnetic susceptibility profiles for Leg 207 sites for the Paleocenelower Eocene interval. The positions of zonal boundaries are tentative, pending postcruise biostratigraphic refinements. The profiles are aligned on the P/E boundary. A red bar along the left side of the log indicates an interval covered by a sampling splice. P/E = Paleocene/Eocene, K/T = Cretaceous/Tertiary.
Figure F18. Magnetic susceptibility profiles for Leg 207 sites for the CampanianMaastrichtian interval. The positions of zonal boundaries are tentative, pending postcruise biostratigraphic refinements. The profiles are aligned on the K/T boundary. A red bar along the left side of the log indicates an interval covered by a sampling splice.
Figure F19. GRA bulk density profiles for Leg 207 sites through the Cretaceous black shale sequence. The positions of stage boundaries are tentative, pending postcruise biostratigraphic refinements. The profiles are aligned on the top of the laminated organic-rich claystone. A red bar along the left side of the log indicates an interval covered by a sampling splice.
Figure F20. Comparison of Rock-Eval pyrolysis hydrogen index and Tmax values for black shale and underlying claystone units of the five sites cored during Leg 207 on Demerara Rise. Fields for Type I (waxy), Type II (algal microbial), and Type III (land plant/detrital) organic matter are shown. Compositions of the black shales are dominated by thermally immature, relatively well preserved algal-microbial organic matter.
Figure F21. Comparison of total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations and Corg/Ntotal values of black shales (defined as >1% TOC) for black shale units of the five sites drilled during Leg 207 on Demerara Rise. Increasing C/N values with higher TOC concentrations probably reflect preservational conditions that favored burial of carbon and recycling of the nitrogenous components of marine organic matter.
Figure F22. Profiles of chemical constituents in IWs for Leg 207.
Figure F23. Velocity and porosity profiles for Leg 207. Velocity measurements, acquired using the Hamilton Frame on split cores, are uncorrected for in situ temperature and pressure. Porosity was determined along with wet bulk density, grain density, and water content on discrete samples.
Figure F24. Stratigraphy of the black shale interval revealed by FMS images and wireline measured physical properties from Hole 1261B.
Figure F25. Seismic traveltime vs. depth for each site. The relationships were derived from best fits with the synthetic seismograms. Note that Sites 1257, 1258, and 1260 have very similar curves and Sites 1259 and 1261 have similar shaped curves.
Figure F26. Depth-migrated seismic profile of line GeoB220 correlated with the lithologic summary for Site 1257.
Figure F27. Depth-migrated seismic profile of line GeoB221 correlated with the lithologic summary for Site 1258.
Figure F28. Depth-migrated seismic profile of line GeoB219 correlated with the lithologic summary for Site 1259.
Figure F29. Depth-migrated seismic profile of line GeoB215 correlated with the lithologic summary for Site 1260.
Figure F30. Depth-migrated seismic profile of line GeoB213 correlated with the lithologic summary for Site 1261.
Figure F31. Horizon C surface map. Depths were calculated assuming velocities of 1495 m/s for the water column and an average velocity of 2000 m/s for the sediment column.