166 Prospectus

Site F-4

Priority: 1
Position: 23°36.92'N; 79°02.66'W*
Water depth: 245 m
Sediment thickness: >8000 m
Total Penetration: 358 mbsf (approved to a depth of 500 mbsf)
Seismic Coverage: High-resolution MCS survey

Objectives: To reveal possible fluid flow through the upper slope portion of the margin

Drilling program: APC to refusal.

Logging and downhole: ADARA heatflow measurements will be made on the first eight APC cores below Core 3 and one every third core thereafter. No wireline logging anticipated.

Nature of rock anticipated: Periplatform ooze occasionally mixed with coarser grained units.

*Operational safety considerations may require relocating this site to deeper water

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