167 Prospectus


Leg 167 should recover more than 7 km of core. Because of the high recovery, shipboard scientists will have little time available for scientific efforts outside those needed to archive the cores and to develop continuous stratigraphic sections at each sites. In addition, on-board sampling will be restricted to pilot studies and large-scale sampling will be deferred to a shore-based sampling party shortly after the cruise. Standard ODP sampling policies maybe exceeded in the composite spliced section.

Because the construction of continuous sediment profiles is key to the scientific objectives of Leg 167, priority will be given to the multisensor track logging for physical properties measurements. In addition, the color reflectance spectrometer will be used to record continuous color profiles on the split cores and the ODP digital camera system will be used to record high resolution digital images of all core material.

Most shipboard sampling on Leg 167 will be standard. We foresee the possibility, however, of interstitial-water sampling at a rate as high as 1/core in the upper 50 m of the sediment section, and whole rounds may be sampled at Site CA-1 if gas hydrates are encountered. U-channel samples maybe taken to facilitate high-resolution measurements of magnetic properties.

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