168 Prospectus

Figure Captions

Figure 1. Location map for Leg 168 drilling operations, indicating area in Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2. Bathymetry of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and ridge flank where Leg 168 proposed sites are located.

Figure 3. Magnetic anomalies (from Currie et al., 1982) and inferred crustal ages (from Cande and Kent, 1992; Spell and McDougal, 1992) shown for the area in Figure 2.

Figure 4. Seismic reflection and co-located heat-flow profiles crossing the Hydrothermal Transition drilling sites.

Figure 5. Heat flow, basement surface temperatures, and seismic velocities along the Hydrothermal Transition transect. Values are plotted relative to the distance from the Juan de Fuca Ridge axis. The location of the sharp transition from sediment-free to sediment-covered igneous crust is shown as a vertical line.

Figure 6A. Seismic reflection and co-located heat-flow profile crossing the buried basement ridge where Permeable Penetrators proposed drilling Sites PP-1A-PP-3A are located (all sites without the letter "A" label on the figures are the same sites with the letter dicussed in the text). The profile crosses the ridge in a direction perpendicular to strike and is ordered from from north to south.

Figure 6B. Seismic reflection and co-located heat-flow profile crossing the buried basement ridge where Permeable Penetrators proposed drilling Sites PP-4A and PP-5A are located. The profile crosses the ridge in a direction perpendicular to strike, and is ordered from north to south.

Figure 6C. Seismic reflection and co-located heat-flow profile crossing the buried basement ridge where Permeable Penetrators proposed drilling Site PP-10A is located. The profile crosses the ridge in a direction perpendicular to strike, and is ordered from north to south.

Figure 7. Seismic reflection and co-located heat-flow profiles crossing the basement outcrop where proposed Sites PP-6A-PP-9A are located.

Figure 8. Bathymetry of the area of the Permeable Penetrators drilling sites, showing the location of three small basement edifices above the turbidite abyssal plain.

Figure 9. Seismic reflection profile crossing the Lithospheric Heat Flow proposed drilling site.

To Appendix 1A

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