Location: Escanaba Trough, southern Gorda Ridge, northeast Pacific Ocean
Priority: 1
Position: 41°00'N, 127°29'W
Water Depth: 3250 m
Sediment Thickness: 200 m
Total Penetration: >400 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: Single-channel, Tully, 89-04, Line 3
Objectives: Determine extent and composition of hydrothermal mineralization and alteration in an active hydrothermal massive sulfide deposit, determine depth to and composition of basement.
Drilling Program: Multiple reentry, drill-in casing, RCB/MDCB to 400 m or as deep as possible.
Logging and Downhole Operations: Temperature log, full Schlumberger suite, FMS, geochemical log
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Massive sulfide and hydrothermally altered hemipelagic and turbiditic sediment, hydrothermally altered basalt