Priority: 1
Position: 9°38.4'N, 86°12'W
Water depth: 4350 m
Sediment thickness: 450 m
Total penetration: 550 mbsf (approved to a depth of 750 mbsf)
Seismic coverage: 2D seismic reflection lines (2D Line 20)
Objectives: The objectives of CR-1 are to determine the:
1. Stratigraphy of the incoming sedimentary section on the Cocos plate, to serve as a reference site for the wedge sites.
2. Physical properties of the incoming sedimentary section, to serve as a reference site.
3. Physical properties of the basement to gain an understanding of the role of fluids in refrigerating the plate in this region.
Drilling program:
Hole A: APC/XCB with Adara tool to 460 mbsf plus 5 WSTP measurements, MDCB core from 460 to 500 mbsf
Hole B: Drill with LWD tools to 500 mbsf
Logging and downhole: Logging while drilling, triple-combo, FMS-sonic
Nature of rock anticipated: Hemipelagic siliceous mud and carbonate-rich pelagic mudstone. Basaltic basement.