Position: 29°59.538'N, 76°31.416'W
Sediment thickness: >3000 m
Seismic coverage: Gloria Farnella 1987 SCS Line 19, TD5UW (shotpoint 1461) (see seismic profile).
Drilling program: 1. APC coring to 160 mbsf or refusal (oriented): Hole A.
2. Holes B and C cored to 160 mbsf or refusal by unoriented APC.
3. Hole A deepened by XCB to 500 mbsf.
Logging and downhole operations: Standard strings (triple-combo geophysical and FMS) and GHMT (magnetic susceptibility). Adara and WSTP temperature measurements may be run if time permits. Core orientation on at least the A hole.
Nature of rock anticipated: Nannofossil-foraminifer ooze, chalk, cherty limestone, calcareous clay.