Priority: 1
Position: 40°40.94'N, 11°35.60'W
Water Depth: 5040 m
Sediment Thickness: 1100 m (750 + 350 synrift)
Total Penetration: 1150 m
Seismic Coverage: Lusigal Line 12, SP4020, RRS Discovery Line CAM 136, CDP12890
1) Drill through the detachment fault to determine the role of detachment tectonics in the evolution of the margin.
2) Determine the kinematics of deformation and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the deep lithospheric loads during a rifting episode.
3) Characterize the tectonic and metamorphic processes that dominate the transition from continental to oceanic crust.
4) Determine its petrogenetic origin.
Drilling Program: Drill pilot hole ca. 20 m into basement. Log the hole. Jet-in test, set re-entry cone and casing. Drill 400 m into basement to pass through the H reflector (detachment fault). Log the hole.
Logging and Downhole Operations: Triple combo and FMS.
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Nannofossil clay claystone, siltstone and fine sandstone, ooze, and chalk; continental crust or gabbro.
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