174A Scientific Prospectus Figures

Figure 6. Diagrams of depth and time vs. distance for idealized clinoform sequences and the optimal strategy for drilling them. The most seaward drill location is most likely to recover a complete record across sequence boundary 2 (SB2), containing biostratigraphic markers known from the deep-sea record; this was the strategy used during Leg 150 and will be continued on Leg 174A at (back-up) upper slope Sites MAT-13A to D (see Fig. 1). The other two locations shown will recover critical shallow-water facies across SB2. The most landward location will recover latest highstand deposits below SB2 (Site MAT-8B); the center location will recover early lowstand deposits above SB2 (Site MAT-9B). Such site pairing is crucial to understanding both the amplitude of sea level changes and the facies associated with clinoform geometries.

To 174A Figure 7

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