Priority: 1
Position: 11°55.2'S, 13°24.0'E
Water Depth: 432 m
Sediment Thickness: >1000 m
Approved Maximum Penetration: 200 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: High-resolution MCS survey, seismic Lines GeoB
93-015 and -018
Objectives: The objectives of MAB 1 are to determine the history of "nearly normal" sedimentation, being influenced neither by riverine input nor by sustained year-round upwelling.
Drilling Program: APC core Holes A, B, C to 200 m or to refusal
Logging and Downhole: None
Nature Of Rock Anticipated: Hemipelagic calcareous silty mud.
Priority: 1
Position: 11°55.8'S, 13°02.3'E
Water Depth: 722 m
Sediment Thickness: >1000 m
Approved Maximum Penetration: 120 m
Seismic Coverage: High-resolution MCS survey, seismic Lines GeoB
93-015 and -020
Objectives: The objectives of MAB-2 are to determine the history of
"nearly normal" sedimentation, being influenced neither by riverine input
nor by sustained year-round upwelling.
Drilling Program: APC core Holes A, B, C to 120 m or to refusal
Logging and Downhole: None
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Hemipelagic calcareous silty mud.
See seismic line MAB-1 above.