Figure 7. Seismic velocity structure from Muller et al. (1997). A. P-wave
seismic velocity model on the north-south seismic line CAM101 of Muller
et al. (1997). The velocity contour interval is 0.3 km/s. OBS positions are
shown on the seafloor. The position of ODP Hole 735B has been projected
from 1 km west of the line. The MOHO is indicated as a thicker line where
its depth is constrained by wide-angle reflections. B. Resolution contours
for the seismic model with Layers 2 and 3 and Upper/Lower Layer 3
boundaries from (A) superimposed. Numbered OBS positions are shown on
the seafloor. The resolution of each velocity node is given by the diagonal
of the inversion resolution matrix, a number between 0.0 and 1.0, affected
by the ray coverage sampling each node. Values >0.5 (stippled area) are
considered well resolved and reliable.
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