Priority: 1
Position: 40°56.18´S, 9°53.65´E
Water Depth: 4622 m
Sediment Thickness: 1500 m
Approved Maximum Penetration: 300 m
Seismic Coverage: TN057/SubSAT-1, shot point TN3200
Objectives: Recover a Pleistocene section at ultra-high sedimentation rates to study:
1. rapid climate change on suborbital time scales in the Southern Ocean and its relation to climate
signals recovered from ice cores in Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical glaciers;
2. glacial-to-interglacial variations in the properties of bottom-water masses in the South Atlantic
Ocean and their relation to high-latitude climate change;
3. glacial-to-interglacial variations in Southern Ocean productivity, nutrient cycling, and
pCO2 and their role in global biogeochemical cycles.
4. the response to orbital forcing and the phase relationships of proxy records to climatic records
in low and northern high latitudes.
Drilling Program: Triple APC/XCB to 300 m
Logging and Downhole: None
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Diatomaceous calcareous mud