Objectives: The objectives of Site APSHE-05A are to:
1. Examine "pre-glacial" (S3) lithologies in detail and test the synchroneity of the conformable
S3/S2 boundary along the margin.
2. Sample the near-conformable (probably tectonic) S3/S4 boundary.
3. Test hypotheses of the "pre-glacial" nature of S3 and of the uplift/subsidence origin of the
S4/S3 boundary.
Drilling Program: Single RCB hole to 785 mbsf. Alternate sites are APSHE-06A and 10A.
Logging and Downhole Operations: Standard suites IPLT-DLT and FMS-sonic, plus GHMT.
Vertical incidence VSP.
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Diamicton (lodgement till and proximal glacial marine) with thin
biosiliceous interbeds to base of S2 (i.e., top ~150 m), then uncertain (glacial marine diamicton or
biosiliceous hemipelagic) in S3 to base of hole.