Figure 1. Regional bathymetry, sediment bodies, sediment pathways, and SWPAC transects and sites within the ENZOSS system, Southwest Pacific Ocean. STSC = Solander trough submarine channel.

Figure 2. Location map of the proposed Leg 181 drill sites east of New Zealand in the Southwest Pacific Ocean.

Figure 3. Location of SWPAC sites (numbered black squares) projected onto a meridional section through the major water masses of the Pacific Ocean basin. Lines show salinity values.

Figure 4. Major water masses, fronts, and current systems of the Southwest Pacific. The ACC reenters the region from the west with DWBC flow commencing east of the Macquarie Ridge complex. Near latitude 50°S, the ACC resumes its eastward path with 20 Sv of DWBC flow continuing northward around the east end of Chatham Rise. SSW = subtropical surface water, STC = subtropical convergence, ASW = Australasian subantarctic water, SAF = subantarctic front, CSW = circumpolar subantarctic water, and AAC = Antarctic convergence.

Figure 5. Southwest-northeast section across the DWBC system and related water masses, from north Chatham Rise to the Louisville seamount chain and beyond. Abbreviations defined in Table 1.

Figure 6. West-east section through the eastern New Zealand continental margin, showing location of proposed SWPAC drilling sites in relation to bathymetry and major water masses. Abbreviations are defined in Table 1. Site SWPAC-16 is an alternative site.

To 181 Table 1

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