Site: SWPAC-5B
Track line SWPAC-5B
Seismic line
Position: 41°47.18'S, 171°29.95'W
Water Depth: 3308 m
Sediment Thickness: ~860 m
Target Drilling Depth: 700 m
Approved Maximum Penetration: 750 m
Seismic Coverage: SCS high-resolution seismic, NZOI
CR2050, Lines C and D, NIWSAR 3034 Lines 7 and 8
Objectives: The objectives of SWPAC-5B are to:
Drilling Program: Triple APC, XCB
Logging and Downhole Operations: Triple combo, FMS/Sonic, GHMT
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Hemipelagites, carbonate pelagites