Tectonic Setting
The southern margin of the Australian continent is a divergent, passive continental margin that formed during the protracted period of extension and rifting that led to the separation of Australia and Antarctica in the Cretaceous and that evolved during the subsequent northward drift of the Australian continent. The initial extension phase before breakup in the mid-Cretaceous (96 Ma), together with the following period of slow spreading (until the middle Eocene [49 Ma]), resulted in deep continental margin basins filled with as much as 12 km of mainly terrigenous clastic sediments (Willcox et al., 1988; Davies et al., 1989). These basins broadly correspond to the sites of modern upper slope terraces (e.g., the Eyre Terrace at 400-1600 m depth in the western Great Australian Bight; Fig. 1). The onset of faster spreading in the middle Eocene also corresponded with the establishment of fully marine conditions and the initiation of carbonate sedimentation in the widening "gulf" between Australia and Antarctica. Carbonate sedimentation continued throughout the remainder of the Cenozoic, as the gulf evolved first into a broad, open seaway, and then into the modern Southern Ocean. Cenozoic sedimentation resulted in an extensive, relatively thin (as much as 800 m thick; Feary and James, in press) Eucla Basin succession deposited in a predominantly platform-sag to platform-edge tectonic regime (Stagg et al., 1990).
the Cenozoic, the western Great Australian Bight portion of
Australia's southern continental margin has been particularly
stable, with geohistory analysis of the Jerboa-1 well indicating
minimal Tertiary subsidence (Hegarty et al., 1988). Slight
regional tilting (<1°?) in the middle Miocene resulted in uplift and exposure of the Nullarbor Plain and restriction of Neogene sedimentation to the modern outer shelf and upper slope. Cenozoic Stratigraphy of the Eucla Basin
The Eucla Basin extends inland as far as 350 km from the present
coastline and seaward some 200 km to the modern shelf edge and
upper slope. Inland, the Eucla Basin succession thins and
"feathers" out against Precambrian basement; it
gradually thickens southward to its thickest point beneath the
modern shelf edge (
The succession is basically divisible into two mega-sequences: a Mesozoic (?Late Jurassic-Cenomanian; Stagg et al., 1990) siliciclastic-dominated syn- to early postrift section and a Cenozoic (Paleocene to Holocene), predominantly carbonate-dominated section, separated by a major, basinwide unconformity. The subject of the bulk of this drilling leg is the upper succession, which makes up an overall sigmoid-shaped series of sequences reaching a maximum thickness beneath the present-day outer shelf (Fig. 2). The stratigraphy of the lower, Mesozoic succession can be derived from the sequence intersected in the Jerboa-1 exploration well (Fig. 1); however, little information on the upper, Cenozoic section was obtained from this hole.
The extensive erosional unconformity at the top of the synrift section forms an easily recognizable and mappable surface. Seven unconformity-bounded seismic sequences have been recognized overlying this unconformity (Fig. 2). One of the most striking elements of this seismic stratigraphic analysis is the identification of numerous mound-shaped structures occurring throughout the Cenozoic succession, which have been interpreted as biogenic mounds (Feary and James, 1995). These structures are likely to preserve a detailed record of cool-water faunal community relationships and potentially to provide an analogue for cool-water mounds recognized in the rock record, but for which no modern analogues have previously been identified.
The ages assigned to this succession are extremely tentative and are based on (1) correlation of Sequence 6B with the onshore Eucla Group (Fig. 2); (2) the similarity in depositional style between the Sequence 7 progradational wedge and ?Paleocene-early Eocene progradational sequences elsewhere along Australia's southern margin; and (3) the division of the remainder of the sequences into a reasonable time-stratigraphic framework. On this basis, the offshore sequences can be placed in a stratigraphic framework (based on Feary and James, in press):
Present knowledge of the western Great Australian Bight margin is
based on extensive, high quality seismic reflection data,
together with a single oil exploration drill hole, which provides
little information about the Cenozoic succession. The original
Leg 182 drilling proposals (James and Feary, 1993; Feary et al.,
1994) were based on detailed seismic stratigraphic interpretation
(Feary and James, in press) of a grid of 2,350 km of
high-quality, regional 2-D seismic reflection lines. These lines
were collected and processed by the Japan National Oil
Corporation (JNOC) in 1990 and 1991, over an area of 155,000 km2
on the continental shelf and upper slope of the western Great
Australian Bight. An additional 1380 km of moderate-quality,
regional 2-D seismic lines, collected by Esso Australia in 1979
and reprocessed by JNOC, were also used to fill gaps in the JNOC
dataset. The 1996 seismic-site survey cruise (Feary, 1995)
collected high-resolution, 80 channel generator-injector (GI) gun
seismic data as 0.5 nmi-spaced grids centered on each site,
together with tie-lines between sites. These data permitted minor
refinements of some site locations to avoid potential safety
Jerboa-1 was drilled by Esso/Hematite in 1980 as a wildcat oil exploration well in 761-m water depth, above a prominent tilted basement fault block located in the southern half-graben of the Eyre Sub-basin (Bein and Taylor, 1981). Jerboa-1 penetrated 1738 m of a Cenozoic and Cretaceous sedimentary section before bottoming in Precambrian metabasalt basement and did not encounter any significant hydrocarbon shows. The top 232 m were washed down and cased, so that only 145 m of Tertiary section were actually drilled and logged. No cores were cut in this interval, so lithologic and biostratigraphic inferences are based on cuttings and downhole logs. Thermal modelling and vitrinite data (Stagg et al., 1990) indicate that the entire sedimentary section at Jerboa-1 is thermally immature (Rv<0.65%). To 182 Scientific Objectives