Site: JT-1C
Position: 39°10.911ŽN, 143°19.927ŽE
Water Depth: 2605 m
Sediment Thickness: ~1300 m
Target Drilling Depth: 1000-1400 mbsf
Approved Maximum Penetration: 1400 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: Intersection of KH96-3 Lines 1 and 4 at
CDP 2337 on Line 1
Objectives: The objectives of Site JT-1C are:
Drilling Program: Double APC to 250 mbsf, XCB to 450 mbsf, RCB to 1000 mbsf and deeper, if time permits. Drill instrumented borehole to ~1000 mbsf, install reentry cone, and case through unstable section.
Logging and Downhole Operations: Triple combo, FMS/sonic/temperature, BHTV; install long-term sensor package and cement at the bottom.
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Sandy, silty, pebbly clay with ash layers (50 m); clayey diatom ooze, diatomaceous clay, ash layers (~350 m); diatomaceous claystone, clayey diatomite (~250 m); claystone, diatomaceous claystone, calcareous claystone (~200 m); sandy claystone, diatomaceous claystone (~200 m); turbidite sand silty claystone (~100 m), sandstone and siltstone (~100 m), boulder to pebble conglomerate and breccia, dacite and mudstone clasts (~50 m); and silicified claystone (~100 m).