Site: PBS-6A

To PBS-6A Line AGSO 186/0900
To PBS-6A Line AGSO 186/1300

Priority: 2 (alternate to PBS-2A should that hole be unable to reach total depth TD)
Position: 67°46.638´S, 072°11.529´E
Water Depth: 697 m
Sediment Thickness: 1400 m
Target Drilling Depth: ~294 mbsf
Approved Maximum Penetration: 294 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: AGSO 186/0900 SP 2939, AGSO 186/1300 SP 678

Objectives: Alternate to PBS-2A should that hole be unable to reach TD. PBS-6A is updip from PBS-2A and intersects the lower part of the Cenozoic section to be drilled at PBS-2A.

Drilling Program: Same as for primary site

Logging Program: Same as for primary site

Nature of Rock Anticipated: Diamict, mud, mudstone, and sandstone

To 188 Site: PBS-7A

To 188 Table of Contents