Priority: 1
Position: 32°14.14'N, 135°01.87'E
Water Depth: 4760 m
Sediment Thickness: 700 m
Target Drilling Depth: 700 m
Approved Maximum Penetration: 700 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: Fred Moore Line NT62-8, shotpoint (SP) 1116 (common depth point
[CDP] 45); 1999 3-D sesimic survey, Line 105, SP 106
Objectives: The objectives of ENT-01A are to:
Logging: Triple-combo, FMS-sonic, WST for velocity check-shot survey
Downhole Tools: APC core orientation, Adara and DVTP temperature, water sampling temperature probe (WSTP) water samples
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Interbedded hemipelagic mud/silty-sandy turbidites, tuff