Figure 6A | Table of Contents

Figure 5. Noise spectra from the borehole seismometer at Site JT-1 (Leg 186) off Sanriku, Japan (from Suyehiro et al., 1999). The noise level is positioned at a satisfactory level between the High Noise Model and the Low Noise Model. The rise of noise around 0.01 Hz is known to be infragravity wave noise induced from a long-period surface wave in the ocean. At Site WP-2, the borehole seismometer will be installed in the basement so that such serious noise should be sufficiently suppressed. The seismometer in Hole 1150D (Leg 186) has a vertical (V) and two horizontal components that are perpendicular to each other. The direction of the horizontal components could not be determined during installation of the instrument; therefore, H1 and H2 denote the noise spectra from records of two horizontal components of the seismometer. dB=decibels. m**2 is fortran code for m2 and m**4 is fortran code for m4.

Figure 6A | Table of Contents