Site: SR-1
Objectives: The objectives of Site SR-1 are:
1.Characterize the 260 hammer operating parameters; i.e., flow rates, pump pressures, weight
on bits, etc.
2.Characterize the hammer-drill and bit-spudding capabilities without casing.
3.Test the entire HRRS system by drilling in 20+ m of 13-3/8" casing in a fractured hard rock
environment with little or no overlying sediment of talus and with little or no slope.
4.Test the entire HRRS system by drilling in 20+ m of 13-3/8" casing in a sloped fractured hard rock environment with little or no overlying sediment or talus.
5.Test the entire HRRS system by drilling in 20+ m of 13-3/8" casing in a sloped fractured hard rock environment with overlying sediment or talus.
Drilling Program: Test different bit types before attempt to drill in casing with hammer-drill
Logging and Downhole Operations: None planned
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Outcropping basalt