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Site 808
Site 808 was cored through the frontal thrust and décollement and into basement during Leg 131. Leg 196 will drill through the sediment section with the LWD tools and will install an ACORK with monitoring zones located above and below the décollement and at the top of basement.

Site 1173 (ENT-01A)
Site 1173 is a reference site cored to basement during Leg 190 seaward of the décollement tip to provide baseline physical properties and fluid flow measurements. Leg 196 plans call for drilling through the sediment section with the LWD tools, core ~50 m of basement with the rotary core barrel (RCB), and install an ACORK with a broadband seismometer cemented in the basement. The seismometer installation is contingent upon funding and JOIDES advisory panel approval.

Site 1174 (ENT-03A)
During Leg 190, Site 1174 was cored through the PTZ to sample a zone of incipient deformation and fluid flow. This site penetrated the subducting sediment section all the way to basement. During Leg 196, we will drill through the complete sediment section with the LWD tools.

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