Figure 8 | Table of Contents

Figure 7. A. Estimates of zonal quadrupole Gauss coefficient ( g20) relative to the axial dipole ( g10) from Livermore et al. (1984). Pacific data are rotated using a fixed hotspot reference frame (see model "B" in Livermore et al., 1984). Our proposed sampling covers the range where Livermore et al. propose a change in sign of the quadrupole term. B. Paleointensity determined from studies of submarine basaltic glass (SBG) compiled by Juarez et al. (1998). The proposed sampling covers the transition from the Cretaceous Normal Polarity Superchron (K-N) to the Late Cretaceous Cenozoic mixed polarity interval. VADM = virtual axial dipole moment.

Figure 8 | Table of Contents