Downhole logging will be used during Leg 197 to address issues concerning possible deviation of holes from vertical, in situ basalt magnetizations, core orientation, volcanic stratigraphy, and eruptive morphology. Whereas core recovery is often biased and incomplete in lithologies such as alternating pillows and massive flows, logging data are continuous and therefore provide useful information over intervals of low core recovery. During Leg 197, we are particularly interested in determining the number of flow units, which has implications for how well geomagnetic secular variation has been sampled, and hence, how well paleomagnetic paleolatitudes can be constrained. If time permits, we also plan to use logging data to create synthetic seismograms, which will then lead to improved correlation between the seismic records and the lithologic units recovered from the boreholes. As shown in the Operations Schedule (Table 1), we tentatively plan to log at each site. Subject to time constraints, this logging plan may be adjusted at the discretion of the co-chiefs within the guidelines of the normal JOIDES logging policy.
If time allows, the dipole sonic imager (DSI) will be used to measure the compressional and shear wave velocities. The natural gamma ray tool (NGT) is run in combination with the previous probe to achieve depth matching between the different logging runs. Importantly, the DSI will be run separately from the FMS/GPIT because it will otherwise introduce a large spurious magnetic signal in the GPIT data. The GPIT data and their use in the calculating hole deviation are of highest priority in terms of leg objectives.