Figure 1 | Table of Contents


Figure 1. Location of topographic highs in the Western Pacific Basin.

Figure 2. Shatsky Rise showing previously drilled DSDP (solid circles) and ODP (solid square) sites on the southern plateau. Magnetic lineations and trace of the hot spot (black arrow) from Nakanishi et al. (1989).

Figure 3. Lithologic columns from previous DSDP and ODP sites on Shatsky Rise showing age, lithology, and prominent unconformities (after Sliter and Brown, 1993). The water depth for each site is listed below the site number and is in meters. mbsf = meters below seafloor.

Figure 4. Compilation of benthic foraminifer oxygen isotopic composition from 34 DSDP and ODP sites plotted vs. depth and smoothed using a five-point running mean (from Zachos et al., 1993; Zachos et al., unpubl. data). MME = mid-Maastrichtian event, LPTM = late Paleocene thermal maximum, OAE = oceanic anoxic event.

Figure 5. Carbon and oxygen isotope values of planktonic and benthic foraminifers from the upper Paleocene at Sites 527, 690, and 865 (Kennett and Stott, 1991; Bralower et al., 1995; Thomas and Shackleton, 1996; Zachos and Rea, unpubl. data) plotted vs. age. Planktonic foraminifer data (upper two boxes): diamonds = Site 865, circles = Site 690, crosses = Site 527. Benthic foraminifer data (lower two boxes): diamonds = Site 690, squares = Site 527, circles = Site 865.

Figure 6. Compilation of DSDP/ODP isotope data from Albian to Maastrichtian (from Huber et al., 1995; Fassell and Bralower, 1999; Stott and Kennett, 1990; Barrera and Huber, 1990; Barrera, 1994; Barrera and Savin, 1999). Dashed lines connecting benthic foraminifer data = unconformities, solid symbols = benthic foraminifer, open symbols = planktonic foraminifers. CTBI = Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Interval.

Figure 7. Mid-Cretaceous record of black shales and OAEs in the context of the carbon isotopic record (Erbacher et al., 1996; Bralower et al., 1999), changing global sea level (Haq et al., 1988), seawater 87Sr/86Sr (Bralower et al., 1997a), large igneous province emplacement (Larson, 1991), plankton evolutionary events (Erbacher and Thurow, 1997; Leckie et al., unpubl. data), and carbonate platform drowning (Leckie et al., unpubl. data). The black section of the LIP indicates time periods when most of the volcanic activity took place based on exisiting ages. The dotted section indicates time periods when activity is possible, but no ages have been found.

Figure 8. World-wide volume of oceanic plateaus, seamount chains, and continental flood basalts plotted as a function of geologic time according to Harland et al. (1990) (after Larson, 1991).

Figure 9. Location map showing position of primary and alternate Leg 198 sites (after Klaus et al., unpubl. data). Location of previous DSDP sites are also shown.

Figure 10. Anticipated stratigraphic sequence for primary and alternate Leg 198 sites based on previous drilling and seismic interpretation.

Figure 1 | Table of Contents