Position: 27°53.928´N, 141°59.544´W
Water Depth: 4980 + 40 m
Sediment Thickness: 50-75 m
Target Drilling Depth: 350 mbsf
Approved Maximum Penetration: Unlimited
Seismic Coverage: SCS with a generator-injector (GI) gun acquired on Revelle cruise KIWI02
(August 1997). 3.5-kHz data acquired on Revelle cruise KIWI02. SeaBeam bathymetry acquired
on Revelle cruise KIWI02. Hydrosweep bathymetry acquired on the Thompson (September
See Figure 10 for the seismic line and Figure 6 for the trackline.
Objectives: The objectives of Site H2O-1 if selected as the primary observatory site are to
1. Drill a reentry hole into basement for a permanent broadband borehole seismograph at the H2O area;
2. Provide a borehole at the H2O area for other long-term borehole measurements; and
3. Provide a "reference site" with in situ igneous samples in normal, fast-spreading (140 mm/yr full rate), 45- to 50-Ma ocean crust to constrain geochemical and hydrothermal models of crustal evolution.
Drilling Program: Jet-in test. If this becomes the primary observatory site, set a reentry cone
with 20 in casing to ~25 mbsf, RCB core from 25 to 325 mbsf, log with the triple-combo and
FMS/sonic tool strings, WST for normal-incidence VSP if time permits, open hole and set 16-in
casing ~10 m into basement, open hole and set 10-3/4-in casing TD, and log hole with the BHC
sonic tool.
Logging and Downhole: Triple-combo, FMS/sonic, WST for normal-incidence VSP, and BHC
sonic for cement bond log
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Fractured pillow basalt