Table 4 | Table of Contents

Table 3. Time estimates for secondary operations that may be conducted if extra time is available.

Scenario Additional Time
Needed (days)
1a. Bit changes necessary for coring, logging, and casing beyond 325 mbsf* 3.1
1b. Core, log, and case an extra 50 m of basement in the H2O reentry hole 1.5
1c. Core, log, and case an extra 100 m of basement in the H2O reentry hole 3.9
1d. Core, log, and case an extra 150 m of basement in the H2O reentry hole 6.3
2. Triple APC/XCB at H20 after completion of H2O reentry hole 3.6
3. Transit to PAT-13C and triple APC/XCB after completion of H2O reentry hole 7.9
* To deepen the H2O reentry hole significantly beyond the planned 325 mbsf will likely require a bit change for coring and a bit change for opening the hole for the 10-3/4-in casing.

Table 4 | Table of Contents